Category Archives: Erotic


My slave’s eyes are nothing like the sun
Roses are far more brighter than her lips of red
Her vows of submission never to be undone
Bowing silently with her arms wide spread
Her innocence taken no more wedding in white
Her ass is red from the smacks on her cheeks
The scent of her sex brings this master delight
Then her voice trembling she admits her transgression
I love to hear her speak, as she kneels in despair
She kneels ready, ready for her punishment session
Her tears are music a far more pleasing sound
I hold her in my arms, as a Master I do care
My slave she stands ready to be bound
And yet, by heaven, I think this submission is rare
As with any and all, no others compare.

Her First Time

Tonight Master makes you scream
In your room waiting with fear
Enters Master with a certain gleam

Your sex is wet and dripping about
On your knees as I enter in here
Up on the bed please you shout

Under my spell I come to you
Place your trust in me my pet
Sexual wetness is like the morning dew

Loud screams are not of displeasure
U I do care for, I am not your threat
Today you scream during orgasm, thank you sir

Pleasing Sir

Wet and ready my slut declares

Serve me with your mouth if she dares

Licks my cock up and down all around 

Her technique erases this sirs permanent frown


Ass up in the air ready to proceed

Cock invades harder she pleads

Touch your pussy I think not today

For this sir wants to be selfish and have his way

The Wait is Over…

A cool spring night, the moon is near full, not a cloud in the sky. The stars twinkle and dance all about as pet waits with much trepidation. She has trepidation of what is about to happen, will Sir be nice as he has been online? Can he truly be compassionate, is he truly caring, does he truly love her the way he states. She sits quietly on the balcony of the 53rd floor of a 5 star hotel. She is only wearing a dress and nothing else. The cool wind blows her dress up slightly and she notices that she is feeling a bit wet. Why is her body doing this to her, she wonders. I don’t really know him do I, she thinks to herself. She lays back on the chaise lounger and starts to run her hand up her leg up her thigh and stops. She remembers the note that Sir left her, which read simply. “Wait on the balcony, do not touch yourself, wait silently, I will come to you when I am ready.” She quickly brings her hand back up her side. It has been what seems like hours waiting, but in actuality only a few minutes. She wonders again where is he, when will he be here, what is going to happen to me. She takes a deep breath and stares off in to the sky.


What she does not know is Sir has been watching all along. He has been standing in the shadows right outside the balcony. Sir this strong rugged man, is secretly scared, scared to reveal himself to her. The same worries Pet has, sir also has. Will she care for me when she sees me, will she love me after hearing my words, and how can this be real? He flips through his phone looking at all the banter that had gone back and forth in the past few weeks and months. He has saved every picture and looks through them as he tries to muster the courage to come to her. He watches as she wants to touch herself, but being obedient she leaves her swollen sex alone.


Sir walks out on the balcony, she looks up at him with the fear in her eyes. He looks at her wondering is this when she tells me to go away? Their eyes lock, blue on blue, the passion is instantly ignited. She feels an unusual ease come over her. How can I feel comfortable at ease he has not said anything she wonders to herself. Sir reaches out his hand and she takes it, he pulls her in to his arms and wraps his arms fully around her. She melts in to his caress and she now feels protected. He whispers to her “you are safe my pet, I will always keep you safe”. She melts deeper in his arms gazes still locked. She looks at sir speechless, trying to murmur the words, the words she wants to say. As she begins to speak, sir reaches down takes her face in to his hands and presses his slick lips against hers and kisses her deeply with much passion. She gasps trying to catch her breath as he releases her from his embrace, the passion burning in her body has made her almost faint. Sir catches her and picks her up and carries her in to the room.


Sir places her on the bed, and moves her hair out of her face, and continues to seduce her by looking in to her eyes deeply. He asks her “My Pet, do you feel safe with me?” She nods her head in affirmation and reaches out to bring Sir closer to her. She moves over on the bed and Sir scoots up close to her, she lays her head on his chest as sir runs his fingers through her hair. Pet speaks, “Sir, thank you for your love, I feel your caring, I fully trust you, I am yours to do as you please.” Sir unbuttons the top of her dress exposing her perfectly shaped 34 B breasts. He takes her breasts in to his hands and slowly caresses and massages them. Her erect nipples beg for sir’s attention, Sir takes pet’s nipple in to his mouth and starts to suckle it. He reaches down and slowly raises her dress exposing her sex. His hand slides up her thigh and gently traces her lips, parting them with his finger and see’s she is soaking wet. Sir moves down to be between her creamy thighs and spreads her legs wide. Sir starts kissing her inner right thigh, and slowly starts kissing and licking towards the left thigh. He skips over her sex paying it no attention and starts kissing down her leg kissing every part not missing any space. He slowly works up the other leg and his lips finds her engorged clit and takes it in his mouth and sucks it gently. She moans and murmurs, “Please sir make me cum.” “Not yet my little wet pet” sir states. Sir’s right hand is parting her pussy lips and sliding fingers in to her wet slit. His left hand is caressing her ass and from the wetness from her pussy is able to gently start to finger her ass as well. Pet reaches down and take’s Sir’s right hand and brings it to her lips and slowly sucks her juices off of his fingers. Pet is still begging to cum. Sir stands up and finishes stripping his clothes off, Pet pounces her waiting succulent mouth on his cock and begins to worship Sir’s cock. She is kissing and licking underneath his cock and brings the entire thing in to her mouth. Sir raises her up and picks her up in his arms again. He slowly lowers her down placing his cock deep inside her. She moans in complete ecstasy. She starts gyrating her hips on his cock keeping it buried in her. She takes Sir’s face in her hands and looks deep in to his eyes, and proclaims ” I am going to cum sir, thank you” and starts kissing him deeply. Her pussy starts clamping down on Sir’s cock as he starts to release his full load of cum in to her aching pussy. They both collapse together in each other’s arms with sir’s cock still in her pussy. Sir just holds her in his arms as they lay on the bed. He whispers in to her ear. I Love You and they drift off to sleep together in perfect submission to each other.