Sluts Rules

  1. These rules are a living breathing set of rules, always evolving and changing.
  2. your slut will always be faithful to Sir, and his pussy is only to be seen by Sir.
  3. your slut will ALWAYS be open and share her emotions with Sir.
  4. Complete all chores daily.
  5. Journal daily, ask permission for extensions.
  6. ALWAYS obtain permission to go potty.
  7. ALWAYS obey Sir.
  8. your slut will drink at least 48oz of water a day.
  9. your slut will eat a healthy diet and Sir approves all sweet or unhealthy foods.
  10. your slut will ALWAYS log her daily food and water in her journal
  11. your slut will ALWAYS let Sir know when she leaves somewhere and when she arrives, so Sir does not worry.
  12. your slut is not allowed to use curse words unless given permission.
  13. If I collar my slutty princess, then she will be required to wear it at all times.
  14. your slut will be branded daily and required to show Sir before noon her time. If permanent brand happens this rule will be removed.
  15. your slut will tell Sir good night every night when she is in bed so Sir can tuck her in.
  16. your slut will tell Sir good morning first thing every morning with a good morning picture.
  17. your slut will keep pussy shaved at all times and show Sir his pussy at any time requested
  18. Sir is deviant in sexual nature, your slut will work hard to encourage this through words and actions.
  19. If your slut is to masturbate she will check with Sir to see if he wishes to watch first or video it for him.
  20. ALL punishments will be logged, and done within time to get done, failure to finish any punishment or task within allotted time, your slut will be required to do it twice.
  21. Once weekly your slut will SUBMIT to a full inspection on a random day of Sir’s choosing

If these rules become blatantly defied you will be treated like a lowly slave until I feel your lesson is learned along with regular punishment.

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